Posts in Crazy Cat Lady

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painting back

Flipped Canvas

That awkward moment when you and your feline agree your painting[…]

Winter Twinkle Sparkle Explosion

Sincere wishes for happy winter gatherings — or summer depending on[…]

It’s not even Thanksgiving, yet!

It’s November! Buy things! In Merrill at Church Mutual on Saturday,[…]

I contribute to the progression of mankind.

Today, internet, you are welcome. If the world needs anything, it[…]

Merry Christmas!

Eagle eats Kitten, Kitten eats Mogwai, Mogwai eats Turtle, Turtle chokes[…]

To All my Adoring Spammers —

An attempt at an Illustrator tracing, if you will. I’m not[…]

Crazy Cat Lady

Chubs is one for discussing the finer things in life with[…]